April 15. It has been an interesting week , to say the least. When last I posted, I was contemplating a return to Canada to come to the funeral of my father, who had a severe CVA. Deb and I were trying to figure out how to do this and keep an activity for the YSA also going, which was due last Saturday. [ Cancelled in our absence, due to bad weather- it was an outside service activity] So I had bought a ticket home, and then , last Thursday , as we were preparing to leave, Pres. Ivory phoned, saying a new directive from the missionary department, meant that either we both went, or neither one of us went. This was quite a step for Deb, who hates flying and was worried about the difficulty in leaving home and grandbabies if she returned. But she quickly decided she would come, so I could return. So we bought a second ticket, finding that airlines do not give away last minute ticket, but instead, try to recoup any losses on those desperate to fly. I will not say any more about the price gouging, other than to say, it was interesting to try to book a second ticket at the same time as one bought only 6 hours earlier. In the end, it all worked out. We scrambled all day, trying to prepare to fly and get our activity ready. We left Moldova Friday, April 7 at 6 am, and Dad was still alive at that time. When we were in the air between Bucharest and London, he did pass away, not easily. Edwards have their own way of doing things, and to say the least, are self directed, even in death. He died on his birthday, turning 88. We arrived in Calgary at 3 pm their time, were picked up by Dirk, and arrived back home by 630 pm on Friday. We had a good time reuniting with family, with all returning on Saturday except Bren, of course , and Courtney. What did we first notice about Canada? Good roads, and the overall cleanliness. And the quiet- no horns or sirens. We slept in the basement of our house, our request. We were able to meet with family and friends over the next 2 days. It was odd, I felt a lot of guilt at being home before we were done, even though I knew it was less than a week. Still felt that responsibility. I was able to help dress Dad, and be alone with him for a while. We had the lawyer visit with my sister Shauna on Monday, then family visiting and viewing on Monday. I was able to speak at the funeral, and also dedicate the grave. I had no regrets about my dad. He was ready to go and re unite with my mother. He led a good life and was known for his service. I felt good in that I trained him to be a parent to my 5 sisters, he tried most things on me. We were equally stubborn and impatient, an interesting combination.He certainly taught me to work and to serve. I will miss him, but shed only a few tears, because I have no regrets and have no doubts about seeing my father again. We found out he read our letters to just about anyone who would listen. He seemed to be proud of his family. And we loved him. Tuesday we got the chance to return to the temple which was wonderful, especially in view of the funeral and thoughts of eternity. We left Canada early Thursday morning, arriving back in Moldova at noon on Friday, with a quick and uneventful flight. Deb did very well and I said we will need to go to Australia. It feels good to be back in Moldova, we still have things to finish. We had an Easter activity on Friday night, dyeing eggs. I loved seeing people back in Canada, especially family and friends. I was ale to visit a good friend, Leonard Piotrowski, who I thought would be dead before we returned. But no, we had a visit. I was glad to be at the funeral and see family. Now we return to work. With a bit of jet lag.
No pictures of the dead, but this is my fathers coffin, he would have loved the oak, being a carpenter |
At the graveside with my sisters, from L, Shauna Leavitt, Cheryl Collicutt, Denise Curliss, Lorene Froc, Pam Sullivan |
All the other pictures are family at the funeral, Pam, then Dan and Paul Heninger. Dan served with his wife in Romania and Paul is my hunting buddy |
Perry Froc in middle and two of his children, Logan on L, Clayton on R |
Helen and Leif Erickson, Helen is a cousin who grew up with me in Barnwell, we then were in the same ward for 25 years as old people |
Dads oldest sister surviving, standing, Shirley Clements. To her left is my oldest Edwards cousin June Carter and her husband, Darwin. Those two are just angels on earth to all who know them |
3 grandkids, Carter, Max and Aimee Edwards. They are a smart trio |
Shauna and Denise |
2 of my mothers sisters, Rea Fenske on R, Rissa Nelson on L |
Sarah Froc, a niece. Sarah has spina bifida and just had major surgery a week ago on a shunt. So life goes on, it was a whirlwind week . We are very thankful for family and it was good to see them all. We will miss my dad, but know it is all good. We both have made it back to Moldova with nary a whimper, we have work enough to do, ere 3 months goes by. And at our age, it will be quick. Sorry for all the family photos, but this is important to us. Families are forever. |
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