July 13 2017 So we arose very early to leave Moldova, arriving at the airport at 520 am, for a 7 am flight. Early, we thought. But our flight is not posted,so we ask, where do we check in? Answer, your flight to Bucuresti is cancelled. Oh, no. But the fine lady said, we can get you on the 540 Tarom flight, but we will have to hurry. And hurry we did. She checked us on, we had to check bags, then pay for bags, ( we had to pay 300 euros, just the amount we happened to have on hand), then run thru security, then run to catch a transport bus. We had Nina there to say good bye ( she is incredible) so we hugged as we ran. We got on the plane at 545, and then off we flew. The rest of the day was fine, with no glitches and minimal waiting. We arrived in Calgary and met with family at 330, most of whom were waiting for us at the airport. After Chinese food, a drive to Medicine Hat of 3 hours, a release by our stake president , Pres. Salmon, we were home at 1045pm having been up about 28 hours. We were tired, but being home seemed very surreal to us. We loved being with family, but missed our famiy in Moldova.
What did we learn? Serving the Lord on a mission is very tough, but the rewards were incredible. We both loved working, serving and being with young people. We, to our surprise, were told we were fun, that we were real, that we were not afraid to roll up our sleeves and work. We like this. We were compared to a mother hen, gathering her chicks under her wings and protecting them. We also like this. We know we have to go back to Moldova one day, hopefully sooner than later. As one remembers all the time, the memories are mostly of the good things. We love this country, with all its glitches and corruption. We love this people, with their intense emotions. We love our friends, who are our family. May this country prosper one day. There is a way, but it is not the way of man, it is the way of God.
So again I finish this post with mostly people, because in the end, a mission is about people.
Cris and Inesa Bezede, with Almira, this family is very dear to us. |
Could not remember if I had a picture of how to carry flowers, upside down if a giver, right side up if a recipient. A little hard to keep the water in |
Familia Covali |
Marina Vinoradova, whose nickname should be Bubbles |
Elders Purcell and Forsyth |
Corina Diacenco and Alexandru Tita |
Sayng good bye to Mihai |
Keri Ralls and her sister Cinnamon |
Now a few of our favorite sisters- first Sister Brianna Dusenberry |
Siste Victoria Langenstein- my favorite Texan-ever |
Sister Emma Idiart- far and away Debs favorite sister ever |
Iulia Iuhimciuc- mission papers are in! |
Sister Jordan Nemelka |
One last photobomb- yes she is still our daughter, can you not tell by the tongue roll? PS, she is my favorite Moldovan , but there are many close behind. How does an old man and a young woman become good friends ? Thru the Church. |
Leaving home, our time is done. |
When we arrived home , the Moldovan flag was flying in our yard. So this will be it with pictures from Moldova. I have enjoyed sharing them, and puttingthem down for our use. I will make no commercial use of these pictures and ramblings. Know that I love this country and especially I love this people. Our marriage turned 40 on this mission and survived. We have things to do and thnk of now. Thanks for being a part of this. There may yet be a future post, time will tell. Lynn R Edwards |