July 24. It is Pioneer day in the Church, and for some reason, it is not celebrated in the Republic of Moldova. Imagine. This is a day where we celebrate the coming of the members of the Church into the Salt Lake Valley. A few communities in Alberta, like Barnwell and Magrath, celebrate this in their communities. Well, this year we celebrated it in our Family home evening. We had a power point on pioneers, and then had a number of activities- arm wrestling, leg wrestling, bean bag throwing, skipping with a rope, cow chip throwing - made from cardboard [the real ones just would not hold together] , 3 legged races, stick pulling, etc. We had a good crowd and lots of activity. Then we had cornbread, honey butter and watermelon. Moldova and Romania have a dish called Mamaliga, which is a cornmeal dish, like a mush, eaten with sour cream and cheese. They think it delightful, I think it not. Well, we showed them how to prepare mamaliga so it is edible- in my humble opinion. Anyway, it was fun and we taught about pioneers- a good day! We went to an English summer camp for 7-10 year olds this week and taught about Canada, even playing floor hockey. It was successful enough that we do it again this week in another location. Even fed them snickerdoodles. So this week we were off the the piața to get some supplies for pioneer day. Plan
Don't ask how I got pictures in the middle, I am not sure, Sisters in a sunflower field |
A pose, Sisters Brinkman, Nicol, Mits, Schow. |
Sunflowers are gorgeous. Those are walnuts on the trees to the R |
Sign from the north coming in to the city |
Tania and Adrian arm wrestling. After 3 minutes, it was a draw. |
Elder Paterson and Gore |
Action shot of leg wrestling. Elder Lundquist won. |
They look like cow chips, don't they? |
We had a target and all |
LInger longer after Church. C on the L, gave her first talk today. The bread in the front, banana bread and strawberry cheesecake bread, yes , I made it. In the middle are placintes, Moldovan pastry with potatoes, or cheese, or cabbage. Very good. |

was to take the bus, get what we need and then walk back. As we get to the bus, I feel an unpleasant sensation hit the back of my head and shirt. Deb looks and yes, a pigeon had dropped in, or parts thereof. A large souvenir had been deposited on my shirt- neck and back. We got to make a literal change of plans. It may be needed- I tend to look up more now. Isn't that good for a missionary? We had transfers this week, and have 5 new missionaries here. Sister Schow, Elders Sanchez and Davis, Elders Cowser and Gore. All new here, Elder Davis green and new. He plays piano which was great today. Lots of teaching this week, much more in the next- lessons with missionaries and Institute. I had yet another lesson in preparation this week, actually today. Our branch president , President Ceban , has been gone for more than 2 weeks and was to conduct in Church. I had speakers and all, but left my conducting cheat sheets at home- I wont need them today, me thinks. Well, guess who never came to church and guess who had to scramble. I am just not that comfortable yet, but we managed. Summer here is like summer at home, lots of people gone. Our Hungary conferences begin next week and we are trying to get all done for those going, so that will make a busy week. The present Pathways session is also done now and we may get to help with an extra session in September. Main thing , alive another week with the car, I am very slow to develop a love for the people who drive large black German cars- who love to threaten us and try to run us off the road. Maybe one day.
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