August 14, I promise this is the last of the installments of our YSA conference. The pictures here are mainly scenic. The last day was a devotional of an Iranian couple, arrested in Hungary and wanted by Iran, because they joined our Church. Quite the story- deportation would have resulted in death. He was in jail for 50 days waiting for a hearing. We had a long hike day and a testimony meeting that was unbelievable. These youth are so impressive to us, their strength is a testimony builder in itself. Our trip home, not so inspiring, the bus company detoured us way north of Budapest to pick up stranded travellers. We did not know about the detour, so after 4 hours we were only in Budapest. We began at 330 am. By late afternoon we were delayed over an hour by an accident, so we had a bus to catch in Bucharest at midnight, we arrived at 130 am- 22 hours on the bus. We were blessed in that the maxi-taxi waited for us- we had 13 of 16 tickets. So then the driver felt he should make up for lost time- can we say bat out of --ll. Rough and rolling, but we did make it back in 7.5 hours. It was a long bus ride, but safe. That trip was longer in time than from Salt Lake to here. Anyway, trials bring blessing, we were truly blessed to be able to go to Hungary. Wonderful people, wonderful experiences.
Couple picture, from L- Morgans-Czech, a Polish couple, Howells-Hungary, Oldhams-Hungary, Bowens-Poland, Petersons- Hungary and organizers, Swensons-Germany, Winders-Romania, Us, Johnsons-Bosnia |
Moldovans on the lookout point |
Deb is wearing a Moldovan blouse |
Nina and Mariana with the flag |
Nicolae, who came out of a shell. We watched him try to flirt with a beautiful Slovakian, with no common language- seriously funny |
Radu, from Ploești, Romania. We became very good friends. He has a heart of gold. |
The river in the background is the Danube, a very big river and beautiful |
Orhei girls as a monument |
We took a hike, boy , did it feel good to wear camo! So we had a great spiritual time in Hungary, only good memories- the trip will fade with time. |
Aside from the travelling to and from, it looks like you had an awesome week in Hungary! Love you guys! ❤️