June 13 We continue in beautiful summer weather, we had one day of rain this week, just what was needed. This country gets really good growing weather. Lots of sun and heat, and rain just when it is needed. And remember the chernozem, that beautiful soil . Oh, for some black soil! I wander. This week I went with Ruslan Stepanenco to a village, Borceag, where he has headed up a project of greenhouses, a center to feed the elderly and beginning to build small houses for the elderly who need them. This again is funded by a Dutch NGO, and is truly wonderful to see. We also had a chance this week to help a young mother in a village to the east, who feeds kids who have precarious living situations, she needed a bit of help and she was a true Christian lady. Tatiana was her name, and it was really nice to visit and help. The PR people fromGermany came this week, a missionary couple the Orlawskis, and Gabby, an employee of the Church. Why mention it? They came to our FHE, and we had about 45 there as well, so we had to be prepared and well fed. It all worked out well. We also had a branch conference, I was released as a councillor in the branch and it felt really odd. I was told I still have some training to do, so I will. Sunday dinner this week was pulled pork, actually delicious, or so we heard. 25 showed up to eat, so there were no leftovers at all. We , or rather I , enjoy cooking for crowds. We will have to do something back in Canada. Who knows what. We are now under a month, had our exit interview with President Ivory, it all feels weird.
This is a war monument in a village, it is rather unique |
A village picture, just nice a typical, with some lupine type flowers |
Summer day in the river |
The domestic ducks have a lot of freedom here |
These next three pictures are all near the Gara, or train station. People bring their livea and belongings and lay them on the street. It is like a giant flea market, on the ground. It is rather sad, we are talking abject poverty here. |
This is a home built by the Dutch NGO, it is for a senior lady, It is a village and these are built for 14,000 euros and are very nice. It is wonderful for the homeless. |
Ruslan in his greenhouse with cucumbers, producing like mad |
This was across from the green house. |
Jesse and Catherine Stricklan, an American family here for a year. He works as a newlawyer for the Leavitt Institute, a group of lawyers from the USA and Canada, trying to help reform the legal mess here, Read that as trying to overcome corrption. They come over often to eat, their kids , Nicolai and Miriam are like grandkids. |
A view above our activity, with President Ivory front and center. You may notice the table is mostly empty of food. |
Marianna and Sister Nemelka, tryng to photobomb. All is well, we have a few major things to do. Our bucket list is rather interesting, service things that need to be done. That is probably the best type of bucket list. |
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