April 10, 2016 We just got in from Bucharest, having driven there on Friday and coming back today. Our trip there took 9.5 hours- traffic was terrible on an unfamiliar road, and coming back we took 7.5 hours, even though it rained for 6 of those hours. We learned something valuable, Moldovans are not the worst drivers in the world- Romanians can run them good competition. Wow. We saw 3 accidents on our way there, one very serious, and had numerous hair raising events. Yes, I am now growing fuzz on top. Bucharest is a crazy, busy, beautiful city. We went down for a YSA event, kind of a missionary prep course. We were not certain what our role would be, but we ended up giving a presentation, doing lots of dishes and cleaning, and helping to obtain and set out food. They are like YSA everywhere- there is never enough food. For some reason here, they all love bananas- unbelievable appetite for them. Marin Iachimov organized the event and we were able to watch some of the teaching and activities. We had 2 youth from here go to Bucharest and we were able to drive them home. It was amazing to see the difference between Moldova and Romania- Romania is beginning to thrive, roads are better, building look better, prices are higher. They have a growth of over 4% a year, not bad at all. Parts of Bucharest are fantastic, but there are almost 3 million people, 5th biggest city in Europe. Yes, we are not city people. Brother Iachimov says traffic here is controlled chaos and one needs to feel the traffic. I was very afraid of feeling the traffic, we were that close at times. Ah, we are alive. We met new people there as well, wonderful Saints. Many of them knew my cousin, Dan Heninger and his wife Deb, who are still fondly remembered. We met the branch president , Pres. Doru and his family, Carmen Fotea and her family, I think Claudia Fotea, her handicapped son Daniel and many other nice people. Radu Simon, Catalina Vitel and many others. Catalina was a workhorse, kept the food organized and was every where behind the scenes. The building there is fantastic, with 3 working levels. A long tiring drive, but we were happy to go and meet people there. Pictures follow.
The Panduri Branch building. Constructed in 2006, a different design that we are used to. See all that green grass, I was just coveting a lawn mower to get on it with. First nice lawn we have seen here. |
Just a street in Bucharest. Hundreds of the block type buildings. |
The Marriott, just around the corner from the Church. I would love to tell you we stayed here, but not so. Expensive rooms here, from 200 euros a night. So we stayed 2 blocks down at the Ibis, maybe a 3 star place. |
Basement of the Church, Alin in the foreground with youth all over the place. |
Elder and Sister Majeran from Rocky Mountain House, originally from Moose Jaw. Now the only office couple and completely unflappable. Nice to talk to fellow Canucks. |
Sister Ivory on the left, President Ivory on the Right. They did a face to face with the YSA, very well done. |
Marin Iachimov on the left, Tibi ( Tiberius ) on the right. He is a tremendous young man. On crutches, but always with a smile and a heart of gold. He does translating for the Church. |
Parliament Palace, second largest building complex in Europe. We did not even get close to it. |
Outside our window in the Ibis. This is very early, as you can see road , usually traffic is bumper to bumper.
So we were glad to see Bucharest, but glad to get back to a slightly smaller place of 3/4 million. Imagine that, getting back to a small city and feeling comfortable. Where oh where has my little town gone? |
Budapest?? I thought it was Bucharest?! Glad you made it safely back. We pray you travel safely daily.