June 5 2016 An interesting week, we taught some lessons, traveled to Bălți for a lesson, had a baptism, went to a graduation, and provided lots of food for a lot of people. There has been a ton of rain here, like much of Europe, and there was some flooding in the low parts. We are in the highest part of the city, and don't worry much about floods. Monday we went to a high school grad, our member, Sevghi, who has a mission call to Ukraine, graduated. It was all out in the courtyard, began at 845 am and graduands were not called up individually. Very different from what we are used to in North America. The rains began that day and continued most of the week, rivers in the streets and buses often not running. Traffic was horrific. What we could normally drive in 10 minutes took over an hour this week. We had a good lesson in Bălți, had a good institute class here, great FHE, we had blindfolded drawing contests, and a baptism on Saturday. This week our internet was abruptly cut off, our submitted bill was not paid, so we got to fix that. On Saturday we had a feeling to go to the Church and found out there was no hot water as the gas had been cut off. The company forgot to send a bill, and when not paid, they cut off the gas, no warning. So as for the baptism, for more than 5 hours, we heated water in pots on a stove- second floor- and took the water out to the font. Meanwhile Deb and the sisters sat by the font with electric kettles warming water. We had a baptism in tolerable water; always interesting here. The markets are full of fresh fruit, strawberries galore, cherries, apricots starting and now fresh peas. We bought and shelled some, mmm good. One sister missionary did not know how peas were obtained, that shelling was required. Today we had a Europe wide broadcast, with Bishop Causse and Elder Cristofferson speaking, it was wonderful. We also had a great discussion with the elders today, in the midst of transfers. So all is good, the pics are all over the map today. We still are working on English classes and hope to be done that in a week or so.
Our last picture of Elder Allphin, who goes home this week. He has been in Moldova for 6 months and it is hard to describe how good a missionary he is. Great with language, encouraging, always working hard , obeying, and just a pleasure to be around. It would not surprise us to see him in Church leadership one day soon. He made all his companions better missionaries. |
Sevghi's grad, with Sister Nicol and Brinkman. 2 things to notice here. On the right, note the short skirt, that is the norm here, hard for young girls and ladies to find modest clothes. On the left, note the red hair. They love red hair here, and the older one is, the brighter the hair must be. |
Large statue coming into Bălți, do not know who she is , but a very impressive statue. |
When I saw this license plate, it just so described drivers here. Our other favorite, CRY, how we often feel when driving. |
Next 2 are from the cemetery, the place is loaded with lizards. Normally you will just see the plants move, but these were out sunning. Pretty little guys, yes? |
Almost all the trucks in the city public works dept. are of this vintage, like WW2 age. They spew smoke, go very slow, but must be durable. They are no things of beauty. |
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